
We offer an innovation playground – a uniquely diverse, interconnected range of industries for testing technologies, including automotive, logistics, energy, and Industry 4.0. This interconnectedness creates synergy between domains, allowing us to solve problems that affect and benefit multiple industries simultaneously.

POCs done
Commercial Discussions

Industries we cover.
Technology we seek

We execute end-to-end projects and serve as a local beta site at our Playground.

The POC playground enables us to test the usability of innovative startup technologies as they apply to the industries of Automotive, Logistics, Industry 4.0, Energy, and their interconnectedness.


At our local beta sites, we test the usability of innovative startup technologies.

Corractions PoC
Developed AI software-based technology solution that tracks the activity of the driver’s brain control mechanisms in real time and can detect activity deterioration.
Tactile mobility PoC
Develops a data analyzing technology, deriving information from existing sensors and generating insights on the vehicle, road, and vehicle-road dynamics using software only, AI and machine learning.
Maradin PoC
Enables the use of laser applications through its proprietary advanced MEMS-based laser scanning solutions. These lasers allow communication with passengers and other road users.
Coreteel PoC
Coreteel specializes in developing environmentally friendly solutions for preventing metal corrosion. Its materials can be applied through spraying or dipping processes at room temperatures.
Actasys PoC
Developed the ActaJet™ Sensor Cleaning system. This technology cleans and maintains the visual clarity of sensors and cameras, achieving safety, and enabling optimal operation of ADAS and autonomous vehicles.